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Friday, 11 February 2011

11th February 2011- Pharaoh's down, but the game's not over yet

Allahu Akbar, 30 years of tyranny and now the people of Egypt can finally see a glimmer of light, a glimmer of hope for the Muslims. What the last 18 days represented was not western freedom and a call for democracy- terms and rhetoric's that have been politically used and sometimes a tool for abuse in the last 150 years. The last 18 days represented an obligation of Islam that came to life- commanding good and forbidding corruption (amr bil ma'hruf wa nahy an al munkar). It also represented the power of the people when this is done collectively. 

When the Iraq and Afghanistan war happened the west used the pretext of importing 'democracy' and 'freedom' to the people. The impact of the war has been devastating, leaving the people with a sham system. As much as the Muslims are clear about the tyranny of Mubarak, Muslims are also very clear what imported freedom, democracy and man-made law can bring to our lands- more tyranny and more oppression as scripted by the ongoing catastrophe of colonialism. 

The Muslims of Egypt are making it clear to the world that they wish to determine the future for the region. A change of face will not uproot a corrupt system and the people know it; nor will imported freedom and democracy do the trick since the western system has been tried and tested by many nations and has failed the masses. It has to be a reinvigoration of an Islamic system that paves the way for change in the whole region and afar since this is where the Muslim sentiments lie. We often forget that the Khilafah system was one of the first systems to ever introduce a voting and election process. So why does the west claim exclusivity to this aspect; almost as though our call for Islam must be a call for western liberal democracy; and our call for freedom from oppression is a call for man-made freedom as understood in western countries. 

We pray and hope the bravery and courage we witnessed from our brothers and sisters in Egypt culminates in the establishment of Allah (SWT) justice on earth. Like the people were not fooled into accepting the American and Israeli stooge Omar Suleiman as an alternative figure head, we pray and hope the people will not accept any other system other than the khilafah system.

We have all seen staged elections post Iraq war. They have not represented change; though many were deceived into participating. Ultimately those who lead the process of elections will dictate how it is done. Therefore, the people also hope and pray from the ranks of the military in Egypt, great wisdom, courage and bravery can also be delivered (like those in Tahrir square) to restore Islam with the establishment of an Islamic state so fair elections can happen, an end to western interference and oppression, securing the rights of Muslims and non-muslim citizens alike. Wouldn't it be nice if Cairo became the capital of the re-born Khilafah system?...A hope not just for Egypt but a hope for the Muslims and non-muslims suffering all around the Muslim world.

It has been great up to now...but the future is yet to be painted. And the game is not over yet!

Bring Islam Back

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