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Sunday 4 March 2012

Land of the freely oppressed (Poem on Syria)

Faces blown, invaded homes, infants moan with broken bones.
Numbers cant show how the casulties grow
the loss is high when soldiers become foes.
The civilian deaths console the regime in control
graves become homes for the departed souls.
Bodies gashed with bullet holes
backs are lashed by ruthless patrols.
Fighters fighting with fading tones
martyr’s waiting to read their scrolls.
Judgement is truly for Allah alone
if only these dictators would truly know.
The believers know what they truly seek
engaged in prayers that are truly deep.
Tongues are being slit so its harder to speak
but hearts still oppose the oppressor’s blasphemous speech.
So instead of using vocals where the voice cannot reach
I write my prayer in pen and use the ink to preach.
I pray that the brothers and sisters hold on to their creed
And hopefully succeed to live in a land that is dictatorship free.
Forget the globe and the middle east
what if oppression reached our streets?
What if we had to express repression from hiding under our sheets?
What if the only music we heard were bombs making beats
and our last prayer ended in permanent sleep?
What if our bloody wounds were just left to bleed
and the tears of lost loved ones covered our feet?
The governments seem to be shattering dreams
suppressing those, steadfast on their deen.
Murdered are those even inside the womb
Mothers lose hope to see their babies bloom.
Death will overtake these murderers too
then Allah will say, fa ayna tathhaboon (quran 81:26)
Proclaiming tawheed to wipeout disease
should be the ummah’s permanent state of belief
And tyrants that have consistently caused the innocent to bleed
Cannot defeat the victory Muslims are granted in Allah’s decree.
So those who have raped mothers and sisters and men of dignity
Will be questioned by Allah individually.
While problems rise the race towards rewards has simply begun
So let us pray for the fatherless sons, and for the motherless ones.
And though the sins are summed
let us pray that Allah expiates them.
This recession is a lesson for the Muslim ummah
so let us gain from these losses by implementing the Sunnah.
Those who are struggling to worship Allah alone
May He grant them Jannatul Firdous as their permanent home.

Khairul Nual

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