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Monday, 10 September 2012

US hands over Bagram jail to Afghanistan

The US military has handed control of a controversial prison housing more than 3,000 Taliban fighters and terrorism suspects to the Afghan authorities. In a small ceremony, Afghan officials said inmates had been transferred to their authority. The move is part of a deal to transfer all Afghan prisons back to local control ahead of the withdrawal of Nato forces at the end of 2014. Bagram prison has been at the centre of a number of prisoner abuse allegations. Although Afghan President Hamid Karzai has hailed the handover, disagreements with the US remain. Washington is insisting that it will maintain control over some detainees in the prison. Meanwhile, a new report suggests that some Taliban are open to a general ceasefire or political agreement allowing for a continuing US military presence after 2014.

'Glorious ceremony'

The handover took place at a brief ceremony which correspondents say was poorly attended by US and Nato officers. But for the Americans there are issues of trust. Even as the official handover ceremony takes place, there are still deep divisions. At the crux of the disagreement is the US insistence that it retains the right to arrest and hold prisoners caught "on the battlefield". While about 3,000 prisoners have already been transferred, the US is still believed to be holding on to hundreds of others and around 50 nationals from "third countries", such as Pakistan. Among US concerns are what would happen to "high-value detainees" once handed over to the Afghans - could they be released? But human rights groups and some Afghans are worried that continued US control of part of the prison could lead to the creations of "Guantanamo's twin brother". "We transferred more than 3,000 Afghan detainees into your custody... and ensured that those who would threaten the partnership of Afghanistan and coalition forces will not return to the battlefield," said Col Robert Taradash, the only US official at the ceremony. "Our Afghan security forces are well trained and we are happy that today they are exercising their capability in taking the responsibility of prisoners independently and guarding the prisoners," said acting Defence Minister Enayatullah Nazari. "We are taking the responsibility from foreign forces." AFP news agency photos showed a small group of inmates being released as part of the ceremony. Now officially known as the Parwan Detention Centre, Bagram prison lies about 40km (25 miles) north of the capital, Kabul. It was once located in one of the largest military bases for Nato-led forces in Afghanistan, but the new Parwan facility was constructed a few miles away and populated with inmates in 2010. The US military still wants to run a section of the jail and is not handing over hundreds of detainees, saying it has the right to hold insurgents caught on the battlefield, the BBC's Jonathan Beale in Kabul reports. Director of Centre for Conflict and Peace Studies: "The transfer is a positive step but there are many obstacles that still need to be addressed" These include about 50 foreigners not covered by the handover agreement signed in March. Privately, the US is concerned that some high-value inmates could be released if they are handed over, our correspondent says. That has angered the Afghan president, who says that full Afghan control is an issue of sovereignty. According to Afghan officials, there is a dispute over 34 inmates in particular, but they say they have made it clear they do not want control over the foreign prisoners. Meanwhile the director of the Centre for Conflict and Peace Studies, Hekmat Karzai, told the BBC that the Americans believed they had a strategic interest in keeping these detainees. "The argument is that while they have troops on the ground it's very difficult to release these people," said Mr Karzai, who is a cousin of the Afghan president. In January 2012, Afghan investigators accused the US Army of abusing detainees at Bagram. The investigators said prisoners had reported being tortured, held without evidence and subjected to humiliating body searches. Nato and the US have rejected allegations of abuse as untrue and pointed to the fact that they have given the Afghan Human Rights commission access to check them independently. In February this year, US soldiers unwittingly burned Korans confiscated from prisoners at Bagram, leading to days of protests and targeted killings across Afghanistan. A US investigation said there was no malicious intent to disrespect Islam. Separately, a new report has suggested some Taliban may be open to a continuing US military presence after 2014, as long as the role is strictly defined.

Comment and viewpoint:

It was not enough to fly in with missiles, ground force, air force and the full ground patrol...Oh no, kill the masses, ally with the neighbours in a quest to massacre the people, take control of the gas pipelines; set up a prison; extradite humans without the court of law to animal sheltered prisons, namely Guantanamo, organise rendition flights from Bagram to the US to receive innocent victims (Aafia Siddiqui) and imprison her for life without a fair trial. Then continue to cause anarchy in a country and always blame the Taliban who you funded to fight the Soviet Union, then arrest the indigenous people and place them in the lawless prison, Bagram and now commission the Afghani's to do the job for you...except you are not planning to leave the country; are you?......And we are supposed to be grateful?

The Muslim world has woken up to the pattern of US/Britain/France foreign policy. Brutal force did not work to reform the people away from Islam, though it secured economical interests for the US and Britain in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now, across the Muslim world they sugar coat their intentions and discuss how they wish to remove troops from the region and allow the people to determine their future. Unfortunately whether the US or Britain use a unilateral stance or a multilateral stance the intentions of Western foreign policy remains the same. To maintain dominance over the Muslim world and to ensure Islam does not become a political force to be reckoned with. For this reason Tony Blair in his proposal to the nation (published in the Evening Standard) is quoted to have called for 'evolution' in the Middle East rather than 'revolution'. This reveals an underlying idea always maintained in the West. Ultimately, the Muslim world will remain a battle ground for the West militarily, politically, and intellectually until we leave our way. So what we need to do is stick to our way, and advocate Islam as a true solution for the Muslim world.

As we wake up to the mega colonialist plan, we hope that the believers will defeat the colonialist plan and one day triumph again where peace and prosperity can be brought to Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

Allah (swt) reminds us in the Qur'an "And never will Allah grant to the disbelievers a way (to triumph) over the believers" [TMQ An-Nisa: 141].

Saturday, 4 August 2012

Aafia Siddiqui Speaks about Women in Islam (1991)

In September 2010, Dr Aafia Siddiqui was sentenced in a US court to 86 years in prison for attempted murder of Americans serving in Afghanistan. Aafia Siddiqui's trial in the US was a complete mockery of the legal process. The lawyers were not able to access their client due to strip searches she was being forced to endure. The trial took place in New York where there was little chance of her receiving a fair trial and also the judge threw out any motions to speak about her treatment prior to the claim that she shot at US officials.

The entire trial was manufactured in order to convict Aafia Siddiqui of the shooting, despite all the allegations that had been previously levelled against her. For full coverage of the Siddiqui trial, please see the link at the top of this page. 

She was detained in Bagram, though this news only started to get released in 2008 onward. Her disappearance between 2003-2008 and detention without trial reflects the complete injustice of the US and Pakistan governments. Later, what should be called a rendition flight to the US resulted in an unfair trial and conviction. 

May Allah (swt) relieve our sister of all her suffering soon. May Allah (swt) bring justice on to this earth through an Islamic judicial system and an Islamic ruling system that can challenge the systems that so easily impose injustice on to our innocent women and men. Ameen. 


Tuesday, 8 May 2012

This is Awakening

By Yasmin Mogahed

It’s hard to describe the feeling. Imagine living your entire life in a cave and believing it was your whole world. Then suddenly you step outside. For the first time in your life, you see the sky.  You see the trees and the birds and the sun. For the first time in your life, you realize that the world you once knew was false. For the first time, you discover a Truer, more beautiful Reality. Imagine the high of that realization. For a moment, you feel you can do anything. Suddenly, nothing from your previous life in the cave matters. You become empowered, fully awake, fully alive, fully aware for the very first time. It is an unexplainable feeling. This is the spiritual high that comes with newly discovered Truth.
This is Awakening.

A convert to Islam knows this feeling. A born Muslim who comes back to the deen knows this feeling. Any human being who lives their life away from God, and returns, knows this feeling. This state is what Ibn ul Qayyim (RA) calls ‘yaqatha’ (awakening) in his book ‘Madarij Al Salikeen’ (Stations on the Path to God). He describes this state as the first station on the path to Allah. This is the state sometimes referred to as the “convert zeal”. When a person first converts or starts coming back to Allah they are often full of motivation and energy that others do not have. The reason for this energy is the spiritual high, characteristic of this state.

Characteristics of the Station of Awakening
Allah makes worship easier:
While in this state, worship becomes much easier. A person is so driven and motivated that they may easily sacrifice everything for the sake of the new reality they have discovered. This zeal can take a person from 0 to 60 in no time. It’s like being on spiritual steroids. The strength you have is not from your own self, but from an aid that was given to you. In this case the aid is given by God. Some may advise not changing too much, too fast. I don’t think fast change is the problem. I think arrogance is. I think hopelessness is. If Allah gives you a gift whereby you are able to do more, use it. But thank Him—not yourself, for that ability. And know that the heightened state is temporary. You may go from 0 to 60 in a very short time due to it, but when the high passes, don’t lose hope and let yourself slip back to 0.

Like every state in this life, this state is temporary. Life is never linear. And neither is the path to God. Not realizing this can cause despair and hopelessness once it passes.

Pitfalls of This State
The 2 pitfalls associated with this state correspond to not understanding the characteristics of the state listed above. These pitfalls are also the 2 causes of stagnation on the path to God: arrogance/complacency and hopelessness. The arrogant person already feels they are good enough, so they stop striving. The hopeless person believes that they will never be good enough, so they stop striving. Two opposite maladies, leading to the same result: To stop moving on the path to God.

Arrogance: The first pitfall corresponds to not understanding that the increased ability to worship came from God and is a characteristic of the state—not the individual! The one who doesn’t understand this wrongfully attributes the heightened ability to worship to one’s own righteousness. This false attribution is very dangerous because it leads to arrogance and self-righteousness. Rather than realizing this heightened ‘religious state’ is a gift from God, the worshiper feels a sense of hidden pride and may look down on others who don’t share similar zeal.

Despair and Hopelessness: This pitfall corresponds to not understanding that like all states in life, the spiritual high is temporary. This does not mean you have failed or done something wrong! Most people know what it feels like after the Ramadan high has passed. The instability of the ‘high’ is a characteristic of life. And that lesson is one even Abu Bakr (RA) had to learn. One day Abu Bakr (RA) and Hanzala (RA) came to the Prophet (pbuh) and said: ‘Hanzala is a hypocrite, Messenger of Allah!’ The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, ‘Why is that?’ I said, ‘Messenger of Allah, when we are with you, you remind us of the Garden and Fire and it is as if we could see them with our eyes. When we leave your presence, we attend to our wives, children and estates in a state of great heedlessness.’ The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, ‘By the One in whose hand my soul is, if you were to remain in the state you are in when you are in my presence and in thedhikr (remembrance), the angels would shake hands with you on your bed and in the street, but, Hanzala, different times are not the same.’ three times.” [Muslim]

After the Spiritual High Has Passed
The most important part of this journey is never giving up! Know that you don’t feel the same zeal, not because you have failed at something. The dip that follows the high is a natural part of the path! Just as the Prophet (pbuh) explained to Abu Bakr (RA), these ups and downs are part of the path. And had we always remained in the high, we wouldn’t be human. We’d be angels! The determining aspect for success is not so much what we do when we’re up. The question is what we do when were down—when we’re not feeling it. The key to succeeding on this path is that once you do reach your ‘low’, you keep going, knowing that it’s normal.

Shaytan’s Traps
Remember Shaytan will get at you in different ways depending you your state.

When You’re High:
When you’re high, he’ll try to get you by making you arrogant. He’ll try to get you by making you look down on others. He’ll try to get you eventually by being so pleased with yourself that you don’t think you need to keep striving because you are already so great (and better than others around you). He will consistently make you look at those who appear to do less than you to justify your own shortcomings. For example, if you don’t wear hijab, he’ll make you think, “There are hijabis that do x, y, z bad things! At least I don’t do those things! I do x, y, z good things that hijabis don’t do!” Or if you slacken in prayer, you may think, “At least I’m not clubbing or drinking like so and so.” Remember, Allah isn’t grading on a curve. It makes no difference what others are doing. We all stand alone on the Day of Judgment. And this is just a tool of Shaytan to make us stop striving.

When You’re Low:
But when you’re low, shaytan will try to get at you differently; he’ll try to get you by making you hopeless. He’ll try to make you believe that you’re worthless and that there’s no point in trying. He’ll try to make you believe you are a failure and no matter what you do, you’ll never get back to where you once were! Or he may try to make you believe that you’re too ‘bad’ for Allah to forgive you. As a result, you may let yourself fall further. You may have been up once, and then felt so bad about yourself because you started to slacken in your worship. And maybe because of your previous self-righteousness you didn’t give people permission to make mistakes or be weak. This ends up becoming self-destructive because it further translates to not giving yourself ‘permission’ to make mistakes and be weak.

Since you believe you don’t have permission to be human and fallible, when you do make a mistake, you are so hard on yourself that you lose hope. So you let yourself go. You may end up committing more sins, which only makes your hopelessness worse! And it becomes a self-perpetuating vicious cycle. Shaytan will also try to make you believe that you shouldn’t try to repent or pray because you’d be a hypocrite since you are such a ‘bad’ person. He wants you to despair in the mercy of Allah. That’s what he wants! These are all lies, of course. But he’s good at what he does, after all. When you have sinned, that’s when you need to turn to Allah even more—not less!

To protect yourself from this downward spiral, remember that the lows are part of the path. Remember that ‘futoor’ (the dip) is part of being human. Once you realize that this does notmean you failed or that you are a hypocrite (like Abu Bakr (RA) thought), you can keep from giving up once you get there. The key is to develop certain habits which become your ‘bare minimum’. That means no matter how you feel, how unmotivated, how low, you still do these things at the very least. You realize that when you’re at your low, it’s going to be harder, but you struggle to keep doing them. For example, the bare minimum is the 5 daily prayers at their appointed times. This should *never* be compromised no matter *how much* you’re ‘not feeling it’. They should be considered like breathing air. Imagine what would happen if every time you were exhausted or in a bad mood you decided not to breathe!

It is preferred to have other rituals that are part of the ‘bare minimum’. For example, stick to certain extra prayers and athkar or daily Quran—even if it’s little. Remember that Allah loves a small *consistent* action more than a huge inconsistent one. If you hold onto certain essentials during your ‘low’, you will ride the wave of iman and come back up, insha Allah. And, God willing, when you do go back up, you’ll be at a higher place than your last ‘high’.

Know that the path to Allah is not a flat one. Your iman (faith) will go up and down. Your ability to worship will go up and down. But, know that for every dip, there is also a rise. Just stay patient, stay consistent, don’t lose hope and seek help in Allah. The path is hard. The path will have bumps and drops. But, like all things in this life, this path will come to an end. And that end will make it all worth it!

Allah says:
‘Oh mankind, indeed you are ever toiling towards your lord, painfully toiling…But you shall meet Him’ (84:6)


Sunday, 4 March 2012

Land of the freely oppressed (Poem on Syria)

Faces blown, invaded homes, infants moan with broken bones.
Numbers cant show how the casulties grow
the loss is high when soldiers become foes.
The civilian deaths console the regime in control
graves become homes for the departed souls.
Bodies gashed with bullet holes
backs are lashed by ruthless patrols.
Fighters fighting with fading tones
martyr’s waiting to read their scrolls.
Judgement is truly for Allah alone
if only these dictators would truly know.
The believers know what they truly seek
engaged in prayers that are truly deep.
Tongues are being slit so its harder to speak
but hearts still oppose the oppressor’s blasphemous speech.
So instead of using vocals where the voice cannot reach
I write my prayer in pen and use the ink to preach.
I pray that the brothers and sisters hold on to their creed
And hopefully succeed to live in a land that is dictatorship free.
Forget the globe and the middle east
what if oppression reached our streets?
What if we had to express repression from hiding under our sheets?
What if the only music we heard were bombs making beats
and our last prayer ended in permanent sleep?
What if our bloody wounds were just left to bleed
and the tears of lost loved ones covered our feet?
The governments seem to be shattering dreams
suppressing those, steadfast on their deen.
Murdered are those even inside the womb
Mothers lose hope to see their babies bloom.
Death will overtake these murderers too
then Allah will say, fa ayna tathhaboon (quran 81:26)
Proclaiming tawheed to wipeout disease
should be the ummah’s permanent state of belief
And tyrants that have consistently caused the innocent to bleed
Cannot defeat the victory Muslims are granted in Allah’s decree.
So those who have raped mothers and sisters and men of dignity
Will be questioned by Allah individually.
While problems rise the race towards rewards has simply begun
So let us pray for the fatherless sons, and for the motherless ones.
And though the sins are summed
let us pray that Allah expiates them.
This recession is a lesson for the Muslim ummah
so let us gain from these losses by implementing the Sunnah.
Those who are struggling to worship Allah alone
May He grant them Jannatul Firdous as their permanent home.

Khairul Nual

88th aniversary since the destruction of the Khilafah

On the 88th anniversary, the Islamic landscape is in a state of flux. After decades of subjugation the Muslim Ummah is taking her destiny into its own hands and attempting the break the shackles that have for long held the Ummah in chains. With this in mind we highlight a number of facts make the following points on the 88th anniversary of the destruction of the Khilafah:

1. On Monday 3rd March 1924 (28th Rajab 1342AH), the world woke to the news that Mustafa Kemal in Turkey had officially abolished the Khilafah. That night Abdul-Mejid II, the last Khaleefah of the Muslims, was bundled in to a car with a suitcase of clothes and money and exiled from Turkey, never to return. Turkey’s independence was officially recognised with the implementation of the Lausanne Treaty signed the year before on 24 July 1923. Britain and its allies withdrew all their troops that had occupied Turkey since the end of the First World War. In response to this, protests were made in the House of Commons to the British Foreign Secretary Lord Curzon, for recognising Turkey’s independence. Lord Curzon replied, “The situation now is that Turkey is dead and will never rise again, because we have destroyed its moral strength, the Caliphate and Islam.”

2. Today’s situation in the Muslim world of division, poverty and oppression is a direct result of the absence of the Khilafah and the targeted policies of the West, British Prime Minister Henry Bannerman outlined Western policy in 1906: “There are people (the Muslims) who control spacious territories teeming with manifest and hidden resources. They dominate the intersections of world routes. Their lands were the cradles of human civilizations and religions. These people have one faith, one language, one history and the same aspirations. No natural barriers can isolate these people from one another … if, per chance, this nation were to be unified into one state; it would then take the fate of the world into its hands and would separate Europe from the rest of the world. Taking these considerations seriously, a foreign body should be planted in the heart of this nation to prevent the convergence of its wings in such a way that it could exhaust its powers in never-ending wars. It could also serve as a springboard for the West to gain its coveted objects.” As much as the West brush over such history Britain and France divided the Muslim world through the construction of artificial borders which crossed both ethnic and sectarian lines, this was to ensure the Muslims forever remained divided.

3. Both Britain and France left individuals and minorities in power who would forever be reliant upon Western patronage, David Fromkin, Professor and expert on Economic History at the University of Chicago explained this: “Massive amounts of the wealth of the old Ottoman Empire were now claimed by the victors. But one must remember that the Islamic empire had tried for centuries to conquer Christian Europe and the power brokers deciding the fate of those defeated people were naturally determined that these countries should never be able to organize and threaten Western interests again. With centuries of mercantilist experience, Britain and France created small, unstable states whose rulers needed their support to stay in power. The development and trade of these states were controlled and they were meant never again to be a threat to the West. These external powers then made contracts with their puppets to buy Arab resources cheaply, making the feudal elite enormously wealthy while leaving most citizens in poverty.”

4. With the Khilafah gone and many considering the Muslim lands independent from colonialism the Ummah experimented with nationalism, patriotism, socialism, democracy, free markets and dictatorship. All were stunning failures and merely continued the impoverishment and subjugation of the Muslim lands. With the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the end of communism hostilities between Islam and the Capitalist West become clear to all.

5. Despite such colonial onslaught, Muslims across the world did not abandon Islam. Despite the best efforts of the West in the Muslim lands the Ummah did not give up the social system of Islam. The Ummah actually preserved much of Islam and did not abandon it in the face of hostility even though her understanding of these concepts was not always clear. What happened in the 21st century is the relationship between the Ummah and its rulers became so wide that such rulers became even more distant form the people. The rulers rejected the Islamic culture and adopted Western culture and the Western agenda. It became obvious to all and sundry that the rulers and the Muslims were diametrically opposed to what should be the direction of the Muslim lands. The Muslim rulers – put in place to stop any Islamic revival became trapped between subservience to America and the West and fear of removal by their own people.

6. Today, under a plethora of secular models, the people of the Muslim World have no political rights, endure crippling living standards due to high prices and even higher taxes, and have zero international influence. Yet despite this tragedy, some in the Muslim World, backed by their supporters in the West, still believe that a reformation of a secular constitutional order, the imposition of western friendly leaders and a continued commitment to the same foreign policy that has long marginalised the Muslim world is the way to proceed. They argue that Islam never defined a political system and that the Khilafah is not the only system of Islamic governance. Such individuals and groups were stunned however at the success of the Islamists in the elections that have taken place in the Muslim world – clearly showing were the sentiments of the Ummah are.

7. After 88 years the Western constructed architecture of supporting, funding, arming and defending dictator rulers is now falling apart, this space is now the new battle ground. For decades, the despots of the Muslim world have pursued a set of narrow interests which have side-lined their own people: securing the free flow of commerce for the west, fighting against the Islamic revival and standing up for Israel’s security at the expense of the Palestinians. Yet now, after decades of despotic rule and western interference, the political situation is in flux.


On the 88th anniversary of the destruction of the Khilafah the global implications of the Ummah seizing its own destiny has led the West once again to interfere in the region. This is why the West, on seeing the implications of the Arab spring have been rolling back their support of dictator rulers in return for a more open system – but one that still maintains its interests. They have continued to find individuals and groups who are prepared to represent Western interests in the region.
The dilemma the Ummah faces in reality is continued foreign interference from the West and traversing the obstacles in order to establish Islam, which is indigenous to the region. Whilst many in the West and the East argue that true Western values have not been tried correctly in the Muslim lands and giving them an opportunity is the future of the region. Case studies form the cradle of civilisation in the West show a deluge of problems, from political apathy, permissiveness in society, sexual crimes. All this has taken place in what many call the post-modern world where capitalism has faced no challenges ever since the demise of communism.

We also find Western societies unable to convince those who have migrated and settled in places such asParis,Berlin,RomeandLondonof their values, even though many arrived on the European plains over 50 years ago. This has bred an atmosphere of forced assimilation, but also shows the failure of secularism to encompass different peoples.

We ask Allah (swt) to make this the last anniversary of the destruction of the Khilafah and to bless the Ummah with the prophecy of the prophet (saw) when he said: …..Then there will be a Khilafah Rashidah according to the ways of the Prophethood.” (Musnad Imam Ahmad (v/273))